
PlayerPla.Net was first created in 2018 by an aspiring video game creator. When the first video game release failed, the developer was offered an extremely unusual promotional opportunity to boost awareness ahead of the next game. That endeavor ultimately led to the programmer being pushed into an alternate reality in order to save his life. That changed him into Sonicus, and set him on the long and treacherous journey home. Today, Sonicus Maxmius honors his agreement to share his account, called the Omnicosmic Odyssey, through which he brings The Admonition...a confirmation of the existence of ultraterrestrial Stakeholders, and a great warning to your world ("Sol-Ter") regarding some of their intentions.


All of Sol-Ter is a stage, and its men and women are indeed the players. Keeping with that, the Omnicosmic Odyssey is delivered through Interactive Media Experiences, a variety of tangible formats designed to be as accessible as possible to anyone who dares to partake of them, including:

Sonicus Maximus Profile Picture

Connect (with Sonicus Maximus)